Contact Us
Geranium Trust,
Court House,
BA22 9UA U.K.
Phone: 01935 - 429096 10 - 5 pm
Please Help us!
Your Donations, however small, will help us to continue our work for the vulnerable in our society. Please send whatever you can afford, care of me, at the above address.
Cheques should be made out to the Geranium Trust - ONLY
You can also donate directly to our bank account at NatWest Bank, Yeovil.
Sort Code 60-24-37
A/C No. 22436898
Please put your telephone Number, or email address, in the reference section so that we can contact you to say thank you.
My sincere thanks,
Terence 'Paul' Palfrey
Founder - Chairman
Please Donate to help us to continue our work supporting those who are living with loneliness, bereavement and Isolation.